One-on-One Coaching

“Everybody needs a coach” – someone who can share their specialized knowledge through unique techniques to offer us a different perspective on how to maximize our success and happiness!
For individuals who would prefer the intimacy and privacy of a one-on-one setting, one-on-one coaching with Dr. K is the ideal option. After an initial free phone consultation with Dr. K discussing the specific goals or issues you would like to work through during your one-on-one life coaching sessions, a customized coaching schedule and tools and techniques tailored to your goals will be crafted and shared by Dr. K during your sessions. Sessions are typically one hour, and usually take place once a week, either via Zoom or in-person, based on your preference.
Sample Objectives
  • Increased Productivity
  • Better Quality of Relationships
  • Increased Self-Confidence
  • Improved Communication
  • Resolved Childhood / Adult Traumas
  • Overcome Phobias
  • And more!


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